Cheese ,one of many names, the kitten....
MR WUSSTERS....After spending a weekend hunting for a cat or kittens...unsuccessful.
My friend Laura, reassured my little guys that in a month a new liter of kittens held our promise. Well God must have heard our prayers...
That sunday night, the most peculiar thunder and crazy lightening...i was returning home from the CenterReach Meeting..when in the kitchen there was a baby gate up????
BABY GATE...we were past this stage ((( THANK GOD ))
but i knew when i saw all the boys hovered over a nest of blankets TWO little brother cats.
My oldest son had been shopping with his girlfriend. They saw someone walking around with a kitten. He asked them about it. They told him there were two left up front.
The brothers. It was meant to be to have the kittens that weekend,AFTERALL.
Kitten Cat,,,just about year ago
A lovely Mr Wussters,,,,he always knew when i was trying to do a photoshoot with him.
He was a purrrfect poser, till he got bored with me. He would yawn and move.
For months we struggled with names.
People seemed bothered that we couldn;t name them.
I was thinking what;s the rush....
they're gods creatures..and when a name finds them...our brains will transfer
them into words
i liked YIN AND YANG
Cheese an Vince it was
i just thought for the more gray cat...he would be "GrA¥" to me
or chocolate..he had the chocolate tip tail and toes
and his brother had the white tip tail and boots to match...
now Chocolate or GRAY...he is the shy passive guy.
He got his ASS KICKED by the next door neighbors cat BLACKIE....
Scariest thing...he didnt move for two days...
So Cheese, (or Mr.Wussters.)
became his brothers protector.
They soon figured out to get up high and retreat to the fences or
our privacy wall was the best defense...
I had hope and Faith that as they grew~ their need to go by the busy road would pass them up...Well, Curiousity killed the cat. Or he spent all his nine lives...???
or simply he learned what he was supposed to learn , his short loving time he spent with us. Or he taught us something about love and kindness while he so generously
touched our lives for the year we were gifted to know him.
He was innovative with his need to stay cool on a hot summer day, resting in the cold bathroom sink.
Mr. Wussters was the Alpha. No questions about it. He always laid ON TOP OF HIS BROTHER>>AH HUH!
He was the stronger cat. But when they were small kittens, he was the one that was always so scared. An Ant would have him retreat behind the TV. While Gray would investigate and reassure his brother it was just an Ant. So as Alpha as he was, he really was a scaredy cat. He seemed to grow out of it. Getting into fights with Blackie, the cat next door, and learning that he could scare the little Chuwawa beagel dog was one of his favorite things to do,,,,as of late.
What a neat cat. He had these really cool hairy tips on his ears...the very tip of his his own personal ELF EXTENSIONS...
kind of like a hawk or an Owl would upon their ears...
and when he would approach the door to go out
he couldn;t just go out
he had to bend and bow to the ground with his ears back as if the air
would enter his ears...or the vibration of the world~now exposed with an opening of the
door...he had to adjust..always with a bend an a bow...
and it wasn't even a windy day all the time...
In my material sadness, of his physical absence , i know he is an elf owl waiting for me, along with the other cats that have touched my life.
When i go to heaven they;ll call me the cat lady. There will be lot's of cats greeting me when i get there. I just know it.
Death always seems so final. But when my emotions settle, i always find in the calm light of my heart, they reside there. I can feel them anytime i want. I just can't touch their softest, most precious purring hairs.
I love you Mr. Wussters...see you again.
Ps..your brother cat is missing you too.