Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Dear Diary......

You know what they say about hiding in plain site- the ultimate spot to hide is where everyone can see and yet goes unnoticed.... well what if a director / writer makes this most outrageous screen play and HBO picks it up where a cross gender highschool student and the rest of the Senior Class become this dudes ultimate porn dream... He gets to cast the hottest babes, and have them doing the most outrageous shit, like where the dad is a closet pedi and ends up screwing the new kid that's a dude but is also a chick in the ass..... I am watching this- like it has definatly happened to someone before- probably many people- but fuck- it is so real and like this is ok to put on tv???... It is weird ,too, that the director makes mini shorts about each episode - so the Actors , ahcum I mean the porn "stars" - "actorS" get to explain their characters and how they might relate to them. OMG- and this dude is getting away with it... The camera rides the titties - all up in the boners- the choking, the finger in the mouth,,,, it's hot but gross all at once. I can;t take it so I fast forward - I mean it is written to the T as far as stereo types go- sluts, jocks, fat girls that find themself thru sex ? - but of course they do, the good that comes from the rough,and the harsh? Is it because this is what works for this director/writter- shock value- and I guess the actors are freely participating.They Submit? I guess I am too cuz I watch it. I mean how hypocrtical am I -is this world! When We go after people like Jeffery Epstein or Heidi Fleiss but this guy because he is a flim writer/ maker who is literally doing the same shit in REAL TIME -The same in that he pays kids to do his sexy deeds right in front of a camera. Maybe Maxwell should release the tapes to HBO and they can slap it as acceptable? ok ok, wait stop me, those girls didn't want to be there doing that? The girls Maxwell found in florida they just found friends- that found other friends at highschool to go give some old man a massage for money... when you're an addict that is what you do right? It's justification- When you're an actor in a show is that justified, I guess so - you are hired to play a part? In creating this show... I wonder how old these actors feel- do they feel shy, nervous- do they like doing that in front of a bunch of people? are they of age? playing 18 year olds... I don't even know.... but what I was saying before is HBO is putting this out there and it is a popular show- Putting soft porn I MEAN YEH_ I watch it. I am absorbed with the mental asepcts of dudes that want to be chicks\ I do find it fascinating- not the sex part so much but more the psychological disorders - the sex part kind of gets exhasuting and hard pricks are ugly. Especially when they are shoved in your face. I guess some people like that sort of thing? and yet I continue to watch it, I do vibe with the struggling addict, having over 23 years sober- and the AA meetings, perhaps once upon a time I had an addiction to drugs & sex, and this show certainly puts forth the many abuses that come with such addictions- the worst being self loathing. But I am more wondering how- not why- but HOW Ghislane Maxwell gets punished for serving up young women- to old pervs- but a writer/ director can serve up actors and make them do naked shit in front of a lense with many people standing around "watching"- do they get hard or excited while they watch this filth?- I blush when I watch it- I fast forward when it makes me feel too "excited" maybe or is it uncomfortable? I haven't figured that out. It is what it is, it is insane that this is allowed? I guess because it is so close to home- it is over the top real. Or it brought me back to alot of shit I managed to survive. it is so bonkers- I look at pictures of this writer director- what is wrong with his eyes... who is this wacko anyway> I would love to ask him myself. Apparently he is a father> I didn't really take time to investigate him beyond a google picture. He is right up there with the other dude that used his scripts to get chicks outta their clothes and into bed with him - Gallo- I guess it's nothing new Really. But this shit is off the hook inappropriate. I admited I watch it, so that makes me an accomplice- They got my rating- I am guilty , My jaw is on the floor, I just find it interesting what a world of hypocrits an shady freaks we live amongst. I guess that includes myself, there are many variations and hues of shade. THAT"S FOR SURE> I guess I am obsessed and beyond my fear based judgment - a nerve has been hit, this guy has got my attention- no not the sex- it's the depth of the emotions and how there are two sides to the coin- as dark there is light- I choose to focus on the light- and the truth that we all had fucked up childhoods or maybe not but I found alot of myself in this show.... i am a walking contradiction.

Monday, January 17, 2022

Saturday, January 15, 2022

THE GOLDEN TRIANGLE When the Founding Fathers began writing the Constitution and forming a new system of government, many aspects of politics, philosophy, and human nature were taken into account. What emerged was our Constitution and its system of checks and balances. However, built into the Founders’ vision was a compliment to the Constitution, a formula described later by scholar Os Guinness, in his book A Free People’s Suicide, as the Golden Triangle of Freedom:
“Freedom requires virtue, which requires faith, which requires freedom.” More formulaically, it might read: Freedom requires virtue. Virtue requires faith. Faith requires freedom. What happened since then? Over time, but especially accelerating during the 20th Century, the American legal system began to take a more secular approach to its functionality. “Virtue” and “Faith” began to wane. Where character, trust, and virtue had been prevalent, the importance of legal contracts took their place. As Guinness wrote, “Legal contracts were strengthened and sharpened to take the place of weakening moral considerations such as character and trust.” #1 — FREEDOM REQUIRES VIRTUE Liberty and freedom don’t “just happen.” History is largely a tale of tyranny. All men were created equal and have certain unalienable rights, as recognized in the Declaration of Independence. However, the freedom and liberty Americans experience comes from more than just laws and regulations. They come from the virtue of the citizenry. Virtue is the only internal characteristic that supplies the self-restraint necessary to balance the risk to the social order of giving people a large amount of liberty. Without virtuous leaders and virtuous citizens, there is no reason to follow laws. The Republic has an interest in the virtue of its people, as much as the people have an interest in the character and virtue of its leaders. #2 — VIRTUE REQUIRES FAITH The Founders were clear in their view that the virtue necessary to allow maximum liberty required a solid foundation: and that foundation was religion. Even the Founders with the least affinity to orthodox Christian views of their day believed this. Benjamin Franklin made it very clear that he would never be a Christian, however, he stated that “as to Jesus of Nazareth, my opinion…I think the System of Morals and his Religion, as he left them to us, the best the World ever saw or is likely to see.” It was Franklin who initiated prayer during a crisis moment in the Constitutional Convention. It was Franklin who saw the immense cultural value of the work of his friend, the renowned evangelist George Whitfield. And Thomas Jefferson, an alleged deist, stated, “The Christian religion is the best religion that has ever been given to man.” Many critics forget that men like Jefferson were no secularists; they clearly believed in God. Jefferson, as a statesman and as president, was clear that without faith there is very little reason to be virtuous. The Jefferson Memorial itself displays famous quotes by Jefferson connecting freedom to the moral laws of God. #3 — FAITH REQUIRES FREEDOM Faith is voluntary in America. Americans may choose to believe or not to believe. We have the ability to exercise our faith without coercion, and participation is by choice. As the Williamsburg Charter, a 1988 document on religious freedom signed by over 200 leaders from various backgrounds, stated: “No longer can sword, purse, and sacred mantle be equated. Now, the government is barred from using religion’s mantle to become a confessional state, and from allowing religion to use the government’s sword and purse to become a coercing Church. In this new order, the freedom of the government from religious control and the freedom of religion from government control are a double guarantee of the protection of rights. No faith is preferred or prohibited, for where there is no state-definable orthodoxy, there can be no state-definable heresy.” Yes, faith can flourish in totalitarian states. But the record of history demonstrates that lowering the walls to faith often allows an expansion and all the benefits of a public tolerance of open religious practice. WHY IS THIS NECESSARY? In many of the writings of the Founders, the importance of character and faith are heavily discussed. They understood that the system they designed was best for self-government by a virtuous citizenry. The checks and balances created by the Constitution are to be complemented with leaders of high virtue and character, those who can be trusted to place the importance of the people ahead of their personal gain. Today, the character and virtue of both average citizens and leaders are being more and more privatized, just as religion is. Many believe that whatever a person believes, and how they behave, the decision is private with little consequence beyond that individual. Is it any surprise, then, that religious liberty has come under growing hostility? If virtue requires faith, and virtue is devalued, then it follows that faith—and the freedom to express that faith—will also be devalued. And is it any surprise that such a system will also begin to value competence over character in leadership—whether public or in business—a dangerous choice? Leaders need skills and abilities necessary to do well in leading our country; however, the Founders believed that character should be equally, if not more, important. The Founders believed that liberty and freedom could be maintained through the system they designed. However, without the influence of virtue and faith—all of which are enhanced by religious freedom—how long can the Golden Triangle of Freedom, and freedom itself, be maintained? Radical groups are on the prowl looking for ways to suppress religious expression throughout America. Contact First Liberty for immediate help if your religious speech has been censored or attacked. https://firstliberty.org/news/the-forgotten-triangle-of-freedom/

Friday, January 14, 2022

A jab for a job? The vax card holder - or a non symptom rona carrier. WHo is "The Super Spreader"? I truly do not understand how some refuse to consider that the body was built with the ability to fight against illness. Sure we are going to get sick, it's unforunate- there's no way around that. Every one deals with the flu, a virus , an illness in their own way- in their own time. Some get sick, some get REAL sick, some don't get sick at all, some die- some only get mild symptoms- whatever it is and I'm talking more about how it was before all of this insanity. The days before COVID. People died- however they died- more die from the flu then "they" even talk about. A cold, a sniffle- shingles... bacterial or viral- it is what it always has been. It's like mother nature is combating the imbalance, or a bureaucrat got funded to experiment- ??? HEY GUESS WHAT - WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE ONE DAY> We all get sick, if it was your time, then FUCK that sucks, you get better or you don't. We go where we focus. The J and J Vax killed my best friend, Who's to say if the actual virus would have killed him. I have a feeling he would still be here had he skipped the jab. But truly We will Never Know. and let me ask you a question- what happened to America, where our freedom to Thine Ownself Be True - SURVIVAL OF OUR FREEDOM OR DEATH FOR OUR FREEDOM? My best friend wanted to take the Jab, he knew he was taking a gamble A gamble with his life- to live life- I guess? TO CHOOSE THE PLAN THAT IS BEST FOR YOU OR FOR THEM? THE DIVISON THAT HAS INVADED THE VERY DEPTHS OF FAMILY, FRIENDS,& WORK. The Politicians or is it the Bureaucrats of this nation or WAIT have they become one ; when did "they" cross the line- when did they become one - a regime wrapped up in their regimen. My Body, Your Mandate? or my Body , My Choice. The vaccinated are caving to genocide. a bunch of sheeps bowing to the social media hypnotized mediocracy..... a bunch of ostriches.... voted for this nonsense but pretend to no longer watch or SEE WHAT IS GOING ON_ While they TAKE their bonus checks, their vItAminzzzzzzZZZzzzzz... and Slip into sleep- the ShEEPLEMaSSES of mediocres. WHere's the faith in the moment, in the permission to give yourself time to get sick and mend from it- the permission to have faith that it's not your turn to die- or perhaps maybe like my best friend- we had a discussion 30 days before he passed over- we both agreed if we got it and die from it that we woud be "ok" with leaving this earth right here, right now. I never fucking thought he was actually gonna fucking die. But in a way, it's like hey man, I could get hit by a truck later, or eat some fucked up shit an die from food poisoning or some bullshit like that, it's just enough already. YOU GO WHERE YOU FOCUS
period end of story stop trying to control my shit and stop judging me because I am not a sheeple ass bitch. I know who the Super Spreaders are....the bannana republic. the Aristocracy that have inflitrated our government, feeding off of the corporations fat, pulling rank and privilage - above the law and any sort of consequence to their actions - other then lining their very own pockets, How "we" the people seem blind to what is going on in front of our own eyes. Nope - too worried about getting the "rona" and or too phat & self involved to care- our democracy has died - our freedom to choose has been extinguished by public traitors. “For if Men are to be precluded from offering their Sentiments on a matter, which may involve the most serious and alarming consequences, that can invite the consideration of Mankind, reason is of no use to us; the freedom of Speech may be taken away, and, dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep, to the Slaughter.” “In those wretched countries where a man cannot call his tongue his own, he can scarce call anything his own. Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech; a thing terrible to publick traytors.” Benjamin Franklin, Dogwood Papers, written by Franklin in 1722, at the age of sixteen George Washington, Address to the officers of the army, March 15, 1783 Note:

Saturday, January 1, 2022

keep the confusion, keep the chaos, keep the control how woke do you have to be ? WOKE does not equal AWAKE...... mask up vax up shut up..... conform give up wake up woke up fucked up what is the government up to?