Just as this lovely creature puts me in an unremitting space ~Each
time I am honored another precious~ seconds chance to watch in wonderment...
J Meinhardt~ The Lucky One's ~ grabbed onto my heart strings....reminiscent
thru her words~ revisiting city streets like different emotions....the calling of
her youth rang out in the beauty and the beast of time and circumstance
which takes hold of us all. We only hold but a moment's choice to make it last
wether thru a new found friend or tomorrow's promise that we get another chance
to begin again. Life is precious..live it to it's fullest...much like a Dragonfly
in a flash of an eye it could be gone.....Yet the HEARTS MEMORY never forgets...that's eternal.
Love is eternal.
It touched my heart that you were there...so amazing to see you after these many years, and you're just as, if not moreso, beautiful as I remember!