Thursday, March 25, 2010


As a mother of Four boys...ranging from the age of 20
right down to four...i am kept aware , very aware of what rests inside the fridge. When deficient i am quickly reminded.
It;s what we don't have or what i SHOULD have bought.
Leaving me to wonder is it evERRRr gonna be yummy
or perhaps it's just the male need to always want what's not in the fridge.WHEN INFACT IT WAS, IT was just resting behind the HUGE OJ container....
HOw manY times i have come running to the call,
thinking to myself that;s funny i just bought it today,
YES to find it was there all along.
Not sure if it's a Male thing to feel the need NOT to look behind items. Is it motherly to look too deep into the fridge?
I look at this picture and think where's her flip flops , i wear mine with my socks when it's cold out. NEVERMIND HEELs....OR should i think HEALS....
with the APRON....
like ~"Please let me serve you, HOney DEAR?"

Is that what it was like, I have a bag of my grandmother's Aprons .
After she passed ,we went through the kitchen, there was one drawer designated
for all of her Aprons. All of her Many Cooking MOoDs, enhanced by her Apron.
I was the only one that wanted them. No arguments there.
Her drawer.
A Sacred Right of passage?
She had four Kids too.
Were her needs met in the apron that fit so well?
Funny to think, should there have been a pair of Heels in that drawer?
And where is my Drawer. I have a Junk drawer.
Perhaps I should empty that drawer and make it my Grandmother's Aprons.
Would my deficient ways be filled up in her nutritious spirit that rested
in between the bow ties of her Aprons.
I miss My grandmother standing in her kitchen in her apron.

To bring reverence to my fridge.
To bring food for thought to the ones i love
like we are what we eat
It takes thought to eat right
It takes a moment to decide to make the choice
to go left or to TurN RiGhT
and in the end it really took about the same time
to cook a righteous meal
as it did to sit in a line going through Wendy's.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Tiny Windows expose WHOLE NEw WOrlds.....

Growing up in an apartment seemed abit confined....I mean it's not like you can go to your back porch , stretch your arms up and breath in the fresh air and savor your backyard view.
Well, atleast not from the apartment i grew up in.
I am finding out that being older and having a home in the "BURBS"....ONE can't pick one's neighbors and if your dog's pee makes spot's in "their" GREEN GRASS...just KNOW you will certainly hear about IT....BECAUSE DON'T YA KNOW....THE GRASS IS ALWAYS GREENER ON THE OTHER SIDE......

IN Many ways i prefer the city life....
Your FLower beds can't be compaired , your dandelions and weeds don't need controlling
and your mailboxes are safe inside a from teenage angst and their baseball bats.

I remember the tiny windows held life's/ worlds ~that with a pair of good Binoculars could bring
me into quietly. YAY, ok alittle "REAR WINDOW", HITCHCOCK style....alittle Peeping Tom Style
but~ hey~ as a youth, adorned in innocence, i learned some stuff......

some not so much asked for, like sexual positions i never EVER would have guessed
and with that thought.....HMMMMM...putting my bed next to a window without a curtain
became an ingrained awareness......

I also learned that viewing people's cribs from penthouse balcony's
has you getting an entire building to close curtains on you
and shut the whole game down. SIGH.......

Ah the STUFF you can learn from dwelling in the city.
I think one of the most magical things that triggers my
is like the way the night sky holds thousands of tiny lights
millions of miles away.....
through the city at night, these lights emanate
a similar sense to me
~of tiny little worlds all around me..

Some apartments have their lights off
and others'
the warm lighting, or perhaps a fluorescent glow, the newer bulbs that have
a kind of generic flavor,
the brownstones with their larger windows allowing one to get a
taste of Decor.....
all these windows, holes within a tree....
boxes upon boxes of individual belonging
and yet all apart of one whole.....
where they can't bat eachother's mailboxes
and judge one anothers grassy weeds.....

I miss the city for my kids upbringing.
I do believe that a sense of one amongst many
has the EGo humbled in knowing
that you are not the only one...
When walking down the street you
are faced with diversity
forced to acknowledge
a self outside of onesself

and that a dandelion can be blown into
the wind
holding an individual wish
of hope
that if many could coexist in
the concrete Jungle
that perhaps the
could learn how to
cherish One another's
differences... & Stop cutting down
all the tree's and spreading
toxic the grass
can be greener.....and fencing in
what they think belongs to them
when in fact
it was here before us
and will be here after we're gone

because in all reality
she;s watching us silently......
it's her call how the Dandelion seeds
will fall
or rise for that matter~