Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year,, Merry Merry......

WAIT......was Christ really born in December ?
Is Christ part of the "White Lie" just like Santa Claus?

No facts recorded either in Matthew or Luke, throw much light on the season of the birth of Christ, the flocks and shepherds in the open field indicate spring rather than winter.

It;s sO intriguing to me Religion. The hold it has on people, the power it
Growing up under no such knowledge ,
from the recipes
of a forced fed diet
Starved from the Best Selling Book
of all time?
The Book of an Ultimate Veil.

It was the lights on the tree, the smell of warm cookies,
and a loving meal. It was the idea of something to BELIEVE IN....
Of course, the presents were fun! The family tradition in Gathering,
sharing and adoring.
The awakened spirit , perhaps
to a collective presence was the actual gift.
I still Believe!
This subliminal presence is
what floats me in my older days.
The lights hold me strong, the Bell I hear today.

I remember the year I figured it aLL OUT! What A DOWNER.
Yet.... the new found vision held humility over me. I took reverence
in the gifts I was given. All of a sudden I understood what it felt like
to WANT to GIVE someone a gift. A whole New Perspective had been
awakened within.

Becoming a Mother , beginning a family tradition based in an
had me betwitched, bewildered an bedazzled.
Yet, Keeping Old Saint Nick Alive was in the very heart of me.

With the first two sons, my lifestyle was very much
dictated by the "MORE" mentality. Unaware that my Want
was a direct connect to my inner Lack, it took sobriety
to open my eyes.

I couldn;t very well
HEIST this Idea Of Santa.
Our two older children were of the age of Reason.
My want became my need to keep "IT" alive.
The timing of two more younger brothers were
added to our family.
Thus the "knowing" had shed itself into an Act of Giving.

All of a sudden the awareness to allow the First two "older"Sons
had come into the presence of our hearts.

The present of Giving to the little brothers was a gift, a gift to
US as a Family Unit, to observe the magic in little humans , We Built.

It didn't feel like we were blowing up Santa;s Spot by
sharing the experience of the After Hours of Christmas Eve.
To share responsibility with our children in the Magic
allows the emotional math of letting go of an illusion
and stepping into a deeper understanding that in Life~
as in Christmas will be what we make of it.
To embrace others needs for space, time, and sanctity,
and to grant yourself the permission to embrace peace
in the very moment... alone or other.
I do Believe that the Idea of Santa is a good one.
The Idea of the Very Living Moment Is a good one
and the gift of Presence is the Ultimate gift one can
have every single day~ choose it. Live it.

That some actually have things written on their Santa list;s like
socks, a coat
a job~
and perhaps all the things that one may already have....
I gotta wonder how much I take for granted.
For an adult/parent/elder
To acknowledge the Art of giving, and to understand
that less is more.
That perhaps Christmas is and can be every day~
When hugging our children and taking a moment
to listen is a gift.
To the child that has everything, what;s this?

The Living Gift is something I have become aware of very much this year.

My Prayers to a new year
would open the flood gates of Rich Religions to
Feed the Hungry Children around the World
End Starvation of the Body , Spirit an mind.
To turn financial hoarding into Providence.
My Prayers To the Ones that Hold Ultimate Authority
Upon this small earth
I wish for their Hearts to awaken to an
Understanding that the Ultimate Gift would be to Give~
to cherish this short time we have on this earth
and to live in love an World Peace.

Happy HolidÃ¥y∫.....

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