Saturday, January 12, 2013

DEAR Mr. & Mrs. OBAMA~ Mr.&Mrs. USA are you living Frivolously ?

Does the President have the right to decline such expenditures? Are you living LARGE or Humble~
Mr. Obama ?
As the first pay period of 2013 comes to a close, employers are being forced to ring in the new year by explaining why their employees’ checks are smaller.
Thanks Congress~ while everything increases $ from milk to does it seem "right"
that this tax be brought back.
While the President like a Royal Family kicks back in Luxury.~~~~~~
True Leadership would be by example~ to live less frivolously Mr. & Mrs. Obama?

 How much did it take to maintain our royal family, the Obamas, just last year? Now, this is really interesting, especially as we come up for another vacation for the Obamas. This one is going to cost us $4 million. This vacation in Hawaii for Christmas is going to cost you $4 million. How much did we spend last year? Remember, the royal family cost $57.8 million. Would you be stunned if I told you it was $50 million? Would you be ‑‑ would you be bowled over if it was $100 million? How much do we spend? The total last year, a little higher than $57.8 million.”
So what was it? $60 million? No. $100 million? Nope. $250 million? Not even close.
The answer: $1.4 billion

“Look, I have no problem, no problem with the president of the United States taking a vacation. I’ve never had a problem with it. I’ve never had a problem with the president going on vacation when it was Bill Clinton, when it was George W. Bush or even Obama. There is an extraordinary number of vacation and golf days in this man’s schedule and an extraordinary number of campaign days in this man’s schedule, but I have no problem with him taking a vacation. But a $4 million vacation is a little over the top. And that’s just this vacation,” Glenn said.

I am Truly Fascinated by the lack of questions and uprising. This nation has truly become lazy and like father like son ~ we follow the example of Our Father Government ~~maxing out the cards ~ living beyond our means ~ expecting more hand outs and doing less work. The work ethic & mentality of the illegal immigrants has more "old School American" flavor then most "Americans" are willing to put forth. Expect nothing an work hard for everything has been somewhat lost in the shadows of our government, &Congress while they kick back on half a years work ~getting  little to nothing done ~cashing in all the way to the bank.

Hey folks remember the govenrment is working for us...why does it feel like I;m working for them?
When we have a government that is not willing to cut any spending ~ it sure feels alittle dirty that they got their hand in my pockets groping me for mine. So I;m forced to spend less while they spend more.....
take alook at what they spend more on too!!!!

For example, the White House contains a movie theatre which is manned by projectionists 24 hours a day in case one of the family feels like a trip to the cinema.

And even the Obamas' dog Bo costs the taxpayer thousands of dollars - his handler is reportedly paid over $100,000 a year.

226 members of Mr Obama's staff are apparently paid over $100,000 - and the President can increase their salaries at any time.

so what the fuck!!!!!! Maybe I should get a government job ~

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