Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Mad Mind Is A Gift...

I had the pleasure to listen to  Sascha Altman Dubrul on WNYC 93.9!
And I even called in~ listening back~ I wish I could have stopped talking
and let Sascha speak alittle~ UghhhHHHHHH!!!!!
complete and utter disrespect on my part..... If you ever want to change something
about yourself ~get on the radio an listen back on yourself~
I will NEVER do this again.....  I was so rude, however amped to share my perspective
I gave no room for Sascha to speak.....Sorry Sascha !
The Brian Lehrer Show was discussing Bipolar ~

Adventures of a Bipolar Cartographer

Sascha Altman Dubrul

Having had self medicated for years, little did I know ~
 Once I got sober,
I realized I had many symptoms ~ suffering with this manic depression,
hypersensitivity and complete roller coaster frame of mind.
(( Feel free to click on that and read about my mind ~ As I see it from the inside out! )) hahah!

In our society ,I witness, this need to label ALL things ~ especially the ones that seemingly don;t make sense!
Suppose these "Minds" are the beginning marks of an evolutionary change on a biochemical level!?!
Being that Autism , Bipolar Disorder , Depression an Mental Illness's have reached new highs for diagnosis an prescribed med.s , it's easy for the industry to Label it and manage the Mental Mind with a maintenance program of a life time prescription. A lifetime Industry fueling illness an disease. I wonder if the CaveMan suffered with Mental Diss ease?!

Something that Sascha touched upon , that resonated within me is,
that a new language is starting to rise within. That the word Disease is not necessarily 
serving "US" in a positive light. The way We view ourselves will ultimately effect how the outside world views us.
By tapping into the self , our minds and feelings ~ an internal dialogue must occur .That our intellectual
self is not a curse ~ that our mental states are the way they are. Our Mad Minds , if treated right can work 
in this world. The Mad Mind is a Gift! I truly believe some of these types of Minds have made leaps and jumps on a dimensional level not yet acknowledged . Labeled minds get stuck in Wards, hospitals, institutions, and jails wasted away under heavy med.s~
and Hey Yes~ I will say some of those mind's should be committed ~ that there is a dangerous mind. A fine line indeed.

 But A doctor's Diagnosis will reflect this Mad world and how misunderstood a patient can feel.
Like Deagen , who called in before me, she speaks about the Autistic girl who finally finds an avenue to communicate thru typing on a computer ~when the preception, the judgement was ~she's Lost! 
NOT the Case! There was someone stuck inside ~ waiting to get out. The compassion needed to bridge the gap
by breaking blinding prejudices ~ must occur to give way to a diverse acceptance that we are all NOT THE SAME>>>> 

The Language of Neurodiversity will spread as we embrace one another, breaking molds that society has dictated.
Break the chains of labels and DEFINE Yourself
find what works for you
and  hold on 
cuz it;s a ride.
life is short. It's the Journey not the destination~
make it worthwhile even with a nutty mind~ my eyes are wide open!
It;'s just nice to know I;m not Alone~ 
Welcome to my insanity which is really Sanity in an Insane world
Where the people that are awake are really asleep to what;s really going on!!!

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