Tuesday, July 16, 2013


I was making dinner for my family~ 4 sons 23,21,13,8 ~ and this young male voice started to share about how
his innocence of perspective was fed a lie` fueled by his grandma and mom. And he took it hook line and sinker~
 They told him to take a new route home and always
watch his back. Hey ~ I am a white female ~ grew up in new york city an went to public school....where daily I would fear for my life~constantly being pushed down the stairs
because I stepped on someone's white gymshoes!!! my mother never allowed me to stay home ~ she didn't fuel me with a
perspective of victimization~ I had to face my fears.// I learned to walk thru my fear an thus discern danger from unrealistic
dillusion ~ I learned to trust my gut an my god and to have trust in my brothers an sisters....
MY intuition was exercised.

 It made me so sad inside when I heard that  71 year old man share his view that  people are judging him as he walks down the street!!?? This speaks more about him then what and who he's talking about. For him to say that is a very dark and generalized statement...what a powerful assumption//// he gives himself alot of power with that malarkie
..a man with a huge ego ~ no one knows what any one thinks ~yes you can feel vibes....believe me I grew up in the city ~ I get the vibe thing....
but the diseased perspective is part of this unrest in our nation.... for that 71 yr old man to say "WE"have come nO WHERE....as far as the black an white thing goes....AR E YOU KIDDING me>>>> WE HAVE A BLACK PRESIDENT.....hello OUR PRESIDENT IS HALF WHITE HALF BLACK,...HE'S SOLD OUT AS BLACK...people bought that too~ hook line an sinker......... if there's no internal peace within the individuals as a race there will never be rest/ these gentlemen ,both young an old, want to stay living as victims ~well then that's on them..... they'll be internally imprisoned in their diseased perspective..... it;s like a junkie or an alcoholic,... who can;t get free from their own inner demons...... set yourself free "black man" ~ and read THE VOICE OF KNOWLEDGE by RUIZ. Don;t buy into the lies/ and to air this piece is only fueling the deeper lines of unrest.... it makes me feel sad to see such inner hatred as a perspective. and who's paying y'all to air this....type of word. peace and neutrality is where I am coming from... I understand not everyone is supposed to like eachother but to live an let live only comes from a peaceful perspective passed down from generation to generation..... breaks my heart enough to tell u my feelings....

 Prejudice is a burden that confuses the past, threatens the future and renders the present inaccessible. 

― Maya Angelou

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