Friday, September 27, 2013

Gods In The Radio......

Making Deliveries is what I do. Signs~ I deliver Signs. and as I roll along the flow of the day... wether it be chaotic traffic or melodic passing an swerving ~ I get along just fine. The Radio has alot to do with the level of serenity within me. The songs bring me signs... thru the lyrics... the songs deliver a portal ~ a time travel of mental visuals.... transporting me. Black Sabbath entered my world around 1984 and listened to nothing else but them by The Fall Of '86. When I heard this song, Into The Void, on the Radio It had been soO Long.... like a longlost friend you never loose a beat... the recollections, the shared frequency of a transmission that will never change.... the lyrics rest in my head , like unread books in a library, taken from the shelf and dusted off.... "Oh I RemEMBer THIS OnE!!" For me , I find it hilarious , when the "world" seemingly will judge a book by it;s cover. Listening to Black Sabbath;s Lyrics rest in my soul striking a cord of truth. Driving out into the world, viewing the "one" (the individual) that create the "US" into the many ~ that in essence ~ like particles~ create a whole. Supposed there was an instrument that could monitor all of us on a collective conscience level the dark mind Vs. the Light mind The heavy weighted souls Vs. the Light At Heart who would peak out would it depend on the day would it depend on what was playing on the radio or the tv ? If you look at the band and then observe the lyrics it feels like a contradiction abit, yes?!! Into the Void of my mind The Me Myself an I ponder the amazing maze of life How interesting and difficult "WE" have created our reality... WHO IS THE MASTER OF REALITY? is it the government and the richest of the rich the almighty powerful Oz that resides behind a curtain stripping "OUR" FREEDOM from us with all their rules an regulations taxes and manipulations thru so called Presidents? Polluting our minds as the song goes~ "Freedom fighters sent out to the sun Escape from brainwashed minds and pollution " Are you a Freedom Fighter Or Oz Sheep asleep to their power placed upon you? I;d like to think I;m a Freedom Fighter but in Reality I am alittle bit of both I wish I had less fear ! But the Cost and the time iT takes to get back your freedom~ if you get caughtup in the system it';s easier to do the right thing AND KEEP YOUR PERSPECTIVE CLEAN TURN OFF THE TV & take your shoes off once a day and get close with HER and The universe will conspire for you..... "Love upon a land a world unknown Where the sons of freedom make their home Leave the earth to Satan and his slaves Leave them to their future in the grave Make a home where love is there to stay Peace and happiness in every day"..... one day at a time my peace of mind and the freedom from a twisted perspective lifts me up like a good old song.

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