Thursday, November 26, 2015

A reason for giving Thanks.....

I give thanks to the day my Dad and Mom
made me.
I remember the day my Dad left my Mom.
It was devastating, but he was always there
for me. He taught me to love , and to forgive,
he was the most compassionate man.
He listened to me and sat with me.
He taught me how to play Chess
and Frisbee. He spent time with me.
He took my freezing little hands inside of his
and blew his warmth upon them while
we waited in line for Radio City Music Hall
to open their doors.
And although the separation of his daily
presence was hard, our time was all about quality.
Not quantity.
Alot of things are confusing when we're young.

I give thanks for the confusion and the chaos
I endured in my early childhood
because I believe it made me
who I am today.
If my Dad hadn;t left us , I wouldn;t have had the
awesome experiences that his journey
brought upon my life.
His spirit is in me,
every nook and cranny ,
every particle of his is in me.
My stories are his stories from angles and angels
only prescribed for us.
This year , November 22 , 2015, at 6:44 pm~ Our Dad decided it was time to go.
To go where the clouds hug the top of the mountains.
I am greatful to my father for holding on the way he did.
Me , my brother and my little sister & little brother and
mother , all climbed
into his bed as he transitioned into a whole new place.

One of the last times I spoke to my Dad
he asked me to see this movie.
Starry Starry Night

I think he knew he was going home soon.
Nothing can ever prepare one for the finality
of physical absence that happens when
someone passes on.
I know he;s just in the other room, but I can;t
wait to feel his hugs again.

Darling Little Daddy

1 comment:

  1. Dear Caitlin,

    I haven't been on this blogger in a bit but for my own quick posts to revisit and edit later. Since logging on today, I've read through a few of your reminiscents. Really beautiful spirit Mr. John Bottoms was, as seen from the eyes of his beloved little girl. Nice to see you again, though I am sorry it is on this occasion, and even more sorry for your loss. Big hugs, big love,
