Thursday, June 9, 2016

if you can;t see, does that mean your blind or just in denial.........

The Media has created a circus
to gain ratings
but also to manipulate the masses...
what else is new.
But If you think that your vote counts
your blind.
and if you think you know anything about
ANY of these candidates
go ahead , try to find details...
the details either get blocked or blackened
out on the worldwide web...

Really all you have to do is watch the many ...
and try to investigate things
without taking the media;s point of view
as face value

but seriously , the facts do not lie.
The facts, however altered they become,
if one watches in real time,
things slip out just before they get wiped out....
good luck finding that rerun of the interview
with General Petraeus
speaking out about the facts of Benghazi
in real time..... and then somehow that
interview goes "missing" and
he gets slammed over "cheating".....
and the spot light suddenly shifted onto shit that
takes the focus off the facts of Benghazi.

And no matter what kind of world wide web search you type in
the only thing that pops up is CHEATER>crap.
Never mind, the facts about how he was turned into a scapegoat
to take the focus off the true lies of how a
video was used to off AMBASSADOR STEVENS <
wonder what he knew and how it threatened Ms. Clinton's agenda.

Ms.Clinton is completely entangled with these
similar sloppy email transactions as General Petraeus ,
but somehow she seems to GET OFF.
And how are some above the law and others
 are not?
The drama stalls out to increase the
tension, creating mellow drama
 followers indulge.

This presidential race has been staged and
set up with key players being used as bait
to spur
~ mass interest in a presidential process
~racial discourse & unease
~even more division between political parties thus the population
~ and a mass inability to listen to one another's point of views

"They got the "BLACK MAN" president out of the way..."
by the way his mother was a white woman,
In the Jewish world
you could be a Child of Noah
but one will not be "righteously" recognized a
Jew unless the mother was.
And really........
How does god see you
black people that voted for a a"black man"
& at RABBI"S
this pure divided line of who "this Book"
bible, torah, quran.........
decided to label people as.......
and people buy this hook line an sinker

Do you know your candidate?
do you ask yourself
what am i willing to look past, in turn, for what
i think i am about to buy into?
do you ask yourself
what am i willing to sign over for what i
really have no ideas about what it stands for....
have you educated yourself on your
American Constitutional Rights?
and the basis for which it stands
and how it;s not just about one but many...

When the FBI can;t place a powerful
authoritative figure into jail/.......
for corruptions like illegal servers,
lies,scandal,corruptive links and setting people up
to get killed for personal gain or protection......

If a simpleton like you or I
or Pertaeus for that matter,
committed  similar acts we'd
be shut up.
And the HEck does
 Al Shaprton evade his taxes yet
 he;s still serving "US"
& he's still gonna collect a pension ,healthcare etc
long after he retires.... what'SUPwithTHAT?!!

How many members of congress are really serving themselves?
I vote for limited terms
no lifetime governmental handouts
I vote for transparency
And when I have to do taxes and show all my going's on
I'd love to see the governmental break down
of where Our taxes are going.....

The transparency and the need to hold
governmental officials
accountable for the facts on the table.....

Alot of people have ideas, hopes and faith
in Politicians no matter what their actions
or words.....
Just Believe
and look at subliminal messages
like persons that are PLACED behind candidates
when they speak from the podium.....
interesting whom they are trying to bait with
simple folk as the back drop to their speeches.......



she stood by her man for her own personal
gains.... atleast that's my thought.
I give her props for the power of forgiveness,
although, I hardly believe her hardshell even lets an
ounce of emotion in (or out for that matter.)
 that;s just my opinion...
but I would like to
embrace my fellow democrats and republicans
either way for freedom of choice.....

I look for a neutral , mature ground
to talk to one another , to speak , to listen
 maybe even be heard for that matter

looking for facts or views
perhaps I didn;t even see before......
so much talking over one another.
the inability to listen because your too busy thinking
about what your response will be
in your own defense,,,,,
are we against being open minded
because we KNOW IT ALL....?
we know nothing.....
we have opinions
with the few facts we are spoon fed....

We have choices,
that are linked to certain facts
we choose to hone in on and make
them the foundation of our beliefs
that transfer into how we see
our needs
being treated with equality and fairness...
in liberty we are guided by trust in
our government to do the right thing.....
by us for us with us leading & voting
for "THEM" the candidates , the politicians
that;s not how it seemingly is anymore....

The freedom to choose politically,
spiritually ......
the freedoms to be Muslim
or Jewish weather or not the
is involved ......
truth be we are all children of god......
no matter who, what, where, when , & why.......

It is a sin how dirty and hateful
the climate has become.
 Our world on a whole is  becoming polluted.
Physically , mentally , spiritually.....
Speaking over won another

it's chaos
it's a cooperate world that
owns the lobbyists
they owns the Bills
that rewrite the laws
that manipulates the concourse
that dictates the direction
that is no longer the quality
of our nation....

Bernie is already being asked to step
The numbers don;t lie
yet somehow
he met with the President last week....

I would've loved to have been a fly on the wall.........

OBAMA: "Come on Bernie, you know what you gotta do."
BERNIE; " Sir?"
OBAMA; " There's a plan in place and we need you to secede."
BERNIE: " But Mr.President sir that;s not how our constitution was built,
besides the polls show~ I have a slight lead, I;m not throwing in the towel YET,"
OBAMA: "Now listen Bernie, you'll be taken care of .We'll get you in
on some sort of meaningful level : you know like we did for KERRI. Don;t you
worry.Just do the right thing."
BERNIE: " Interesting....  one of my staffers came to me last week and mentioned
something about how the world wide web was altering search facts....making
the more favorable facts appear first for someone named CLINTON. The dirty
laundry isn't so readily available and now your asking me to step down
while the race between she and I is actually tied?!! Where's the democracy in that
Mr. President?"
OBAMA: "I'm just doing my job Bernie. Besides this job being President,
ain;t all what it seems to be,,,, I hardly accompliehd anything on my agenda...
Obama Care wasn;t even my idea,
No hard feelings! Right now , we gotta pal you up with her so the grand plan of things
goes down the way THEY need it to go down. Got it?!"
BERNIE: "Yes sir." inside sigh...bordering tears.

Get ready people.......
Ms. Clinton will win,
not because you voted for her but
because it's set up
and she will aid "the others:"
She plays bothe sides if the coin,
(I go out on a branch here
with my projections...)zefside.....
They, together,
 will bring a World War Around
None like we have ever seen ........

Why ?!!!
I am not sure WHY, I think this way ,but
We should all ponder
WHo;s behind the curtain
running the show?
The front men, the showsmen, the politicians
THEY ARE not the ones running the show....
the ones we vote for...NOPE not them either.....
not a darn thing we can do about any of it
like Nemo caught in the fish net......

one more question,
what;s it all for anyway?
Any of it....
especially when the masses
aren;t even educated with their very own personal rights.....
Some don;t even care to know
and the Wild Wizard behind the Curtain
counts on this type of ignorance....

 All the laws our forefathers
created to run this show with virtue
under god
with liberty and
justice for all.........
what;s it all for anyway...... i ask myself,

“Good morning," said the little prince.

Good morning," said the merchant.

This was a merchant who sold pills that had been invented to quench thirst. You need only swallow one pill a week, and you would feel no need for anything to drink.

Why are you selling those?" asked the little prince.

Because they save a tremendous amount of time," said the merchant. "Computations have been made by experts. With these pills, you save fifty-three minutes in every week."
And what do I do with those fifty-three minutes?"

Anything you like..."

As for me," said the little prince to himself, "if I had fifty-three minutes to spend as I liked, I should walk at my leisure toward a spring of fresh water.” 
― Antoine de Saint-ExupéryThe Little Prince

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