It is hard to comprehend the gravity of divorce upon a young girls heart, when you have grown up with both parents/ There is no way to know or even understand. I have heard that a young girls first love is with her father. So if he chooses to leave the family nest, the endless need for validation & of worthiness settles in. I have to say over time I had no question in my heart how much he really did love me. Loved us. He certainly healed me. He never spoke badly about our mom in front of me an my brother. I think that helped with our over all wellness. I honestly, do not believe the hope of PARENTS REUNITING ever goes away, although, perhaps, suppressed, the yearning IS ALWAYS THERE UP ON A SHELF. But growing up, maturing, shedding the denial, living in the acceptance - you see your parents getting on with their life. Actually dwelling in happiness, it radiates to all the family members. This picture was taken by my brother in the very parking lot my dad died in, 2 years later . They may have "revived" him but his brain was fried. "REVIVING HIM" served it's purpose- so we could all be with him when he passed over to the other side. This picture was right after his first stroke. I too was sick, but didn't know it yet. I was waking up with double vision every morning, a swollen eye and couldn't understand why. Thyroid EYe Disease was my prognosis. My dad ended up passing away from a pulmonary embolism. I look at this picture an I look into my sweet little daddies eyes. His Love is so immensely prominent. It floats me to look at this picture. Lately, I have been blogging about my dad because perhaps I am trying to heal from feeling his physical loss. I don't know. It doesn't matter. THe Physical condition is such a suffering burden , filled with status freaks, competitive money whores and false look at me bravadoes. It makes me so still. Still an quiet. My words show I may need to work on the denial in that statement. I am a work in progress. I've been told my honesty is awkward.
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