We had the awesome pleasure of refurbishing this amazing signage! The fine couple that bought the building stepped up to fortify a beautiful landmark. Signs are not what they used to be, with LEDS -Neon has been pushed back. Just as it was when the fluorescent tube was created. The availability for Neon supplies has become grossly strained. The prices have almost tripled , not to mention the rare glass is extremely difficult to get a hold of or is not being made anymore. From the housings to the block out paint; can only be bought in bulk now an even then it is not being made with the same quality & standards. Europe has even cut back in making certain types of coated glass. The fine glass benders of our time are growing older. As Neon dies out, what millennial is gonna carry the torch? It would be interesting to talk to the others about how drastic times are changing in the world of brite lites. Neon is a sacred science, an alchemy. After all Tesla used the very same tools.

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