Friday, November 27, 2020

Mr. Wussters ....

November 25, around 920-30pm it was time for you return home to that eternal source. I ask why , always why, my human self is so selfish for my loves, and then I realize our spirits are never too far from one another, but it takes some time to digest the physical void.. time to process the loss. What a wonderful life, we shared. Thirteen years of amazing soft hugs an loves. Watching you groom yourself, or chasing you; for catching the occaisonal mole, field mouse or bird - You were an excellent hunter , better yet an excellent lover. You learned english! At night you must have watched my window- you would wait for the light to go out and then minutes later a tiny tap on the window- KnoCK kNOck, TAP TAP TAP..... I would lay there , like why does he always wait for me to get in my exact spot. And on those cold nights , I would throw back the covers begrudgingly and in seconds, we were back in bed as we snuggled up and made the covers that much more warm an cozy. Or in the wee hours of the morning, your little sharp claws tapping my nose, I would open one eye and then the other - and if I wasn't ready to get your breakfast you would patiently lay next to me with your feets tucked in beneath the beautiful arched mound of catness. How I would give everything to bring you back - you will be missed beyond words. OUr family is Very greatful to have been able to hold you and feel your softest fur one last time that night. It was a miracle to have you for such a dear friend as long as possible. See you one day again. My darling Mister Wussters

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