Friday, January 14, 2022

A jab for a job? The vax card holder - or a non symptom rona carrier. WHo is "The Super Spreader"? I truly do not understand how some refuse to consider that the body was built with the ability to fight against illness. Sure we are going to get sick, it's unforunate- there's no way around that. Every one deals with the flu, a virus , an illness in their own way- in their own time. Some get sick, some get REAL sick, some don't get sick at all, some die- some only get mild symptoms- whatever it is and I'm talking more about how it was before all of this insanity. The days before COVID. People died- however they died- more die from the flu then "they" even talk about. A cold, a sniffle- shingles... bacterial or viral- it is what it always has been. It's like mother nature is combating the imbalance, or a bureaucrat got funded to experiment- ??? HEY GUESS WHAT - WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE ONE DAY> We all get sick, if it was your time, then FUCK that sucks, you get better or you don't. We go where we focus. The J and J Vax killed my best friend, Who's to say if the actual virus would have killed him. I have a feeling he would still be here had he skipped the jab. But truly We will Never Know. and let me ask you a question- what happened to America, where our freedom to Thine Ownself Be True - SURVIVAL OF OUR FREEDOM OR DEATH FOR OUR FREEDOM? My best friend wanted to take the Jab, he knew he was taking a gamble A gamble with his life- to live life- I guess? TO CHOOSE THE PLAN THAT IS BEST FOR YOU OR FOR THEM? THE DIVISON THAT HAS INVADED THE VERY DEPTHS OF FAMILY, FRIENDS,& WORK. The Politicians or is it the Bureaucrats of this nation or WAIT have they become one ; when did "they" cross the line- when did they become one - a regime wrapped up in their regimen. My Body, Your Mandate? or my Body , My Choice. The vaccinated are caving to genocide. a bunch of sheeps bowing to the social media hypnotized mediocracy..... a bunch of ostriches.... voted for this nonsense but pretend to no longer watch or SEE WHAT IS GOING ON_ While they TAKE their bonus checks, their vItAminzzzzzzZZZzzzzz... and Slip into sleep- the ShEEPLEMaSSES of mediocres. WHere's the faith in the moment, in the permission to give yourself time to get sick and mend from it- the permission to have faith that it's not your turn to die- or perhaps maybe like my best friend- we had a discussion 30 days before he passed over- we both agreed if we got it and die from it that we woud be "ok" with leaving this earth right here, right now. I never fucking thought he was actually gonna fucking die. But in a way, it's like hey man, I could get hit by a truck later, or eat some fucked up shit an die from food poisoning or some bullshit like that, it's just enough already. YOU GO WHERE YOU FOCUS
period end of story stop trying to control my shit and stop judging me because I am not a sheeple ass bitch. I know who the Super Spreaders are....the bannana republic. the Aristocracy that have inflitrated our government, feeding off of the corporations fat, pulling rank and privilage - above the law and any sort of consequence to their actions - other then lining their very own pockets, How "we" the people seem blind to what is going on in front of our own eyes. Nope - too worried about getting the "rona" and or too phat & self involved to care- our democracy has died - our freedom to choose has been extinguished by public traitors. “For if Men are to be precluded from offering their Sentiments on a matter, which may involve the most serious and alarming consequences, that can invite the consideration of Mankind, reason is of no use to us; the freedom of Speech may be taken away, and, dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep, to the Slaughter.” “In those wretched countries where a man cannot call his tongue his own, he can scarce call anything his own. Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech; a thing terrible to publick traytors.” Benjamin Franklin, Dogwood Papers, written by Franklin in 1722, at the age of sixteen George Washington, Address to the officers of the army, March 15, 1783 Note:

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