Tuesday, January 12, 2016

i miss you daddy
I remember walking down the street with you.
Tall as a giraffe you were!
And on those particular days you would
smack the top of the parking signs with your hand~
as if your head had smashed into it
and the people walking down the street
would be absolutely stunned that
you had just walked into the sign.
Because you would hold your brow,
acting painfully embarrassed.

It was a sort of an illusion he played upon,
because no one would actually SEE Dad
walk into it, and
actually he wasn;t techincally tall enough ...but he was tall~
so they would connect the sound, with his reaction,,,
& just assume he was tall enough that he actually
walked into the parking sign. People are quite gullible .
All I know is I was as stunned as they were, only I knew
my dad and he had done this trick many times.
Boy would I laugh , laugh, laugh.
Always the joker , the magician, the optical illusionist...
the mindtician ... i made that word up! you like it,
it means:
the master of trickery upon the minds of others!
That was My Dad...our dad. Johnny Bottoms.

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