Wednesday, December 30, 2015


blending intellect with good old
hard rock,
projecting lyrics on a magic carpet 
ride of a NEIL OF STEEL heard voice~
An outstanding spokesmen,
exposing the "men behind the curtain":
Fallon's TRUTH ~ a sort of alchemic
wizardry hardly whispered &
Never muffled
you hear & feel  all CLUTCHES LYRICS...

As the band stands firm in their Grass Roots
anti establishment,
the golden age of ROCK~
rims the hard core/ rock an roll,
the tailored fit of fresh riffs~
that will never be old.
Their individual talents elevate
the performance;
no need for pompous mellowdramatic
body gestures,,,,,
bringing in the good ol' cow bell
Fallons preacher like stances
are enough to ignite you live.
On Fire the eye contact
contracted desire.
I must Admit I;m a sucker for the Witch.
I might deny her but my heart will never resist.

The mix was heavy, lastnight.
My soul was cuddled in the depths
of bass lines , deeply needed healing.
Squashed out sadness within the tight moshpit.

Thank you to my darling friend Kat.
She got me out from under the mourning of my dad.
 Unclutch the Clutch
and be clutched

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